The gameplay is smooth and the graphics are okay, (considering this will run on an OCS Amiga 500). Almost everything will explode if you shot it enough times, and when some things explode they leave behind power ups to upgrade your ship. There are 5 level's of fire power, the first is your average run of the mill laser, then the dual laser cannons, third is a more powerful laser, fourth is exaclty the same as the third (???), fourth is a giant fireball that destroys almost anything, and last you get a thin white line that annilates all in its path. The game is just shoot-em up fun all around! But wait, is there a hint of problem solving? Well not really, but you have to blow up some things before you can blow up others. Err if you didn't get that here is an example, you have to blow up the 4 generators before the main power station becomes vunerable.
There is also 3 different ships that you can choose from (this is done by setting the varible before you load the game ie, justice 0 or justice 1 [I should also mention you have to load the game through a shell]). The 0 ship is a low armoured low weaponed speedy ship with afterburners for making quick escapes. The 1 ship is medium armoured and medium speed, and the 2 ship is heavily armoured and weaponed but slow. Okay, the game is fun to play and is quite addictive, but there's still only one level to play. I hope to hear from the authors soon so we can post a more complete version.